SWEDA Face to Face event in Latvia, from 18 to 24 June 2022

The second international workshop for higher education students enrolled in the blended course offered within the framework of the Erasmus+ project SWEDA, took place in Riga (Latvia) from the 18th to the 25th of June 2022 (including the travelling days). Participating students were involved in practical activities and technical visits related to the competencies developed […]
Italy, the International Workshop for Students enrolled in the SWEDA course

The first international workshop for higher education students enrolled in the blended course offered within the framework of the Erasmus+ project SWEDA, took place in Perugia (ITALY) from the 16th to the 21st of May 2022. 30 students – from the University of Perugia, Technical University of Riga and the University of Kassel-Witzenhausen, Germany – […]
The Blended Course with students has started

The blended course on “Sustainable Wellbeing Entrepreneurship for Diversification in Agriculture” has started! The course has been developed by the partners of SWEDA within the project activities and it will last until May 2022, with a final face-to-face workshop. The course is addressed to 30 international students regularly enrolled in a Bachelor, Master or PhD […]
News from Eurostat: Agricultural labour productivity of the EU up by 1% in 2021

Very interesting news from data on agriculture recently published by Eurostat: Agricultural labour productivity of the EU. The index of agricultural labour productivity in the EU is estimated to have increased slightly in 2021 (+1%), after a decrease in 2020. Why? The overall rise in agricultural labour productivity in 2021 largely reflected developments in production values, […]
University of Perugia at work to implement SWEDA Project

The working team group of the University of Perugia is involved in implementing the SWEDA project in different ways. On one hand, we are working to implement all the materials concerning the MODULE 1 SUSTAINABLE AGRO-LIVESTOCK FARM AND ANIMAL WELFARE: METHOD, TECHNIQUE, AND EXPERIENCES with the aim to share the main and useful concepts with […]
Social Farming is taking place in Witzenhausen

In the running winter semester, the beginners course on Social Farming is taking place in Witzenhausen for the third time. In this innovative course offered by the University of Kassel, Witzenhausen, by Dr. Thomas van Elsen (German working group of Social Farming (Deutsche Arbeitgemeinschaft Soziale Landwirtshaft, DASoL)) and the social worker Martina Rasch (Fachstelle Maßstab […]
Blended Course for Students, extension deadline

A new deadline to submit your application for the blended course on “Sustainable Wellbeing Entrepreneurship for Diversification in Agriculture” has been developed by the partners of the Erasmus+ project SWEDA. The NEW deadline for applying to the course is Tuesday 30 November 2021! The application must be sent online by using the form available at this link: form.jotform.com The call […]
Blended Course, call for students: here is the programme

The blended course on “Sustainable Wellbeing Entrepreneurship for Diversification in Agriculture” has been developed by the partners of the Erasmus+ project SWEDA (Project number 2020-1-IT02-KA203-079927). The call will be open to only 30 international students regularly enrolled in a Bachelor, Master or PhD programme at the University of Perugia in Italy, the Riga Technical University in Latvia and the Universities of Kassel and Cottbus-Senftenberg in […]
Blended course on Sustainable Wellbeing Entrepreneurship for Diversification in Agriculture

The blended course on “Sustainable Wellbeing Entrepreneurship for Diversification in Agriculture” has been developed by the partners of the Erasmus+ project SWEDA (Project number 2020-1-IT02-KA203-079927). The course will officially start on the 10th of January 2022 with a webinar for the online launch of the training activities. It will be activated in an experimental way […]